
Available Packages

  • Python Package - available through PyPI

  • Conda Package - available through conda-forge

The following optional libraries are not included is the package:

  • HPC libraries - FFTW, UMFPACK, PyAMG, and MKL/PARDISO

  • Notebook support - Jupyter, IPyWidgets, and Trame

  • GPU libraries - CuPy and CUDA

PyPEEC packages are generic (architecture and system independent). However, some dependencies are architecture and system dependent. The optional HPC libraries are usually easier to install through Conda.

Using a Python Environment

# Install a Python interpreter
#   - Website:
#   - Supported versions: 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, and 3.12
#   - Python executable: "python" or "python3"

# Create a Python Virtual Environment
python -m venv venv

# Activate the Python Virtual Environment
source venv/bin/activate

# Install PyPEEC from PyPi
python -m pip install pypeec

# Check that PyPEEC is available
pypeec --version

Using a Conda Environment

# Install a Conda distribution
#   - Website:
#   - Miniforge is sufficient for installing PyPEEC
#   - Using mamba as a dependency solver is faster

# Create a Conda Environment with a Python interpreter
mamba create -n pypeec python=3.10 pypeec

# Activate the Conda Environment
mamba activate pypeec

# Check that PyPEEC is available
pypeec --version