Technical Details


PyPEEC is entirely programmed in Python 3 and has the following dependencies:

  • PyYAML (configuration file format)

  • NumPy, SciPy, and Joblib (numerical libraries)

  • Pillow (for the mesher, image manipulation)

  • Shapely and Rasterio (for the mesher, 2D shape manipulation)

  • VTK and PyVista (for the mesher, 3D shape manipulation)

Additionally, the following libraries are used for the plotter and viewer:

  • Matplotlib and PyQt5 (2D plots)

  • VTK, PyVista, PyVistaQt, and PyQt5 (3D plots)

The following optional packages can be used for speeding up the solver:

  • PyAMG (pure Python solver)

  • UMFPACK (available through SciKits)

  • MKL/PARDISO (available through Pydiso)

  • FFTW (available through pyFFTW)

  • CuPy (using GPUs through CUDA)

If you deploy PyPEEC on computing nodes, the GUI libraries (Matplotlib, PyVistaQt, PyQt5) are not required. Inside Jupyter notebooks, IPyWidgets and Trame are used for the rendering.

Supported Platforms

The main target platform of PyPEEC is Linux on x86/x64:

  • Linux / RedHat 7.9 on x86/x64

  • Linux / RedHat 8.7 on x86/x64

  • Linux / Debian 12.4 on x86/x64

  • Linux / Ubuntu 20.04 on x86/x64

  • Linux / Ubuntu 22.04 on x86/x64

The following platforms and systems have been partially tested:

  • Apple / macOS Monterey 12 on x86/x64

  • Apple / macOS Ventura 13 on M1 Pro

  • MS Windows / Pro 10 on x86/x64

  • MS Windows / Pro 11 on x86/x64

The following GPUs have been tested (CUDA / CuPy compatible):

  • GPU / NVIDIA RTX 2070

  • GPU / NVIDIA T4 Tensor

  • GPU / NVIDIA Tesla K80

  • GPU / NVIDIA RTX 3090

The following platforms are passing the automated tests:

  • Linux / Ubuntu 22.04 on x86/x64

  • Microsoft / Windows Server 2022 on x86/x64

  • Apple / macOS Monterey 12 on x86/x64

The following Python version are passing the automated tests:

  • CPython 3.9

  • CPython 3.10

  • CPython 3.11

  • CPython 3.12

Logger Configuration File

  • The default logger configuration file is located in pypeec/data/logger.ini.

  • A custom logger configuration file can set with an environment variable.

  • The logger configuration file is written as a Python ConfigParser INI file.

  • If the PYTHONLOGGER variable is not set, the default configuration is kept.

  • If the PYTHONLOGGER variable is is set, the default configuration is replaced.

  • The PYTHONLOGGER variable should contain a path towards the YAML configuration.

Packaging and Environment

The following files are describing the package, documentation, and dependencies:

  • List of Python dependencies (pinned versions): requirements.txt

  • Package definition with dependencies (minimum versions): pyproject.toml

  • Conda file with the minimum requirements for PyPEEC: conda_base.yaml

  • Conda file including the optional and development packages: conda_dev.yaml

  • Conda feedstock recipe:

  • The examples and the tutorial are located in the examples folder.

  • The Sphinx documentation is located in the docs folder.

The following scripts are used to build the package, documentation, and releases:

  • scripts/ build the Python package and build the HTML documentation.

  • scripts/ create a release (tag, release, package, and documentation).

Tests and Coverage

PyPEEC is using different tests to check for potential regressions:

  • The tests are located in the tests folder.

  • The tests are using the unittest framework.

  • The tests are covering all the main functionalities.

  • The tests are using the examples and the tutorial to check the code.

  • Only integration tests are currently implemented (no unit tests).

These files are used to run the tests (locally and/or continuous integration):

  • scripts/ run all the integration tests.

  • scripts/ run a code coverage analysis.


PyPEEC is welcoming contributions (code, documentation, example, benchmark, test, tutorial, etc.) ! For large changes, please first discuss the change you wish to make in the issue tracker.

Bug report

Please include a clear and concise description of what the bug is. Ideally, provide a minimal working example for the bug.

Additionally, please report the following parameters: * The version of the PyPEEC you are using. * The platform/hardware you are using. * The version of Python and of the relevant dependencies. * For PyVista related bugs, please include the pyvista.Report output. * For NumPy related bugs, please include the numpy.show_config output. * For SciPy related bugs, please include the scipy.show_config output.