
PyPEEC Workflow


Description of the PyPEEC workflow (mesher, viewer, solver, and plotter). The input files (geometry, problem, tolerance, plotter, and viewer) are either in JSON or YAML formats. The output files (voxel and solution) are either in JSON or Pickle formats.

PyPEEC Tools

  • mesher

    • Create the voxel structure

    • Import the geometry from voxel files

    • Import the geometry from STL files

    • Create the geometry with stacked PNG files

    • Draw the geometry with stacked 2D vector shapes

    • Assign different domain names to the voxels

    • Resampling (refine) the voxel structure

    • Construct the graph of the structure and detect connected components

  • viewer

    • Visualization of the different domains composing the voxel structure

    • Visualization of the connected components composing the voxel structure

    • Comparison of the voxelized and original geometries

  • solver

    • Computation of the incidence matrix

    • Computation of the Green and coupling tensors

    • Computation of the resistance, inductance, and potential matrices

    • Computation of the electric-magnetic coupling matrices

    • Creation of the equation system

    • Extraction of a sparse pre-conditioner

    • Extraction of a matrix-vector linear operator for the full system

    • Check the condition number of the system

    • Solve the equation system with the pre-conditioner and the linear operator

    • Extract the solution (terminal voltages and currents, scalar fields, and vector fields)

  • plotter

    • Plot the material description (materials and sources)

    • Plot the scalar and vector fields of the different voxels

    • Plot the magnetic near-field generated by the voxels

    • Plot the solver convergence and residuum

Entry Points and Scripts

The entry points of the different tools are located in the pypeec.main module:

  • Running the tools with files as input/ouput:

    • run_mesher_file for running the mesher

    • run_viewer_file for running the viewer

    • run_solver_file for running the solver

    • run_plotter_file for running the plotter

  • Running the tools with data as input/ouput:

    • run_mesher_data for running the mesher

    • run_viewer_data for running the viewer

    • run_solver_data for running the solver

    • run_plotter_data for running the plotter

Additionally, a command line tool is located in the pypeec.script module:

  • pypeec --help for displaying the command line options

  • pypeec --version for displaying the version number

  • pypeec mesher for running the mesher

  • pypeec viewer for running the viewer

  • pypeec solver for running the solver

  • pypeec plotter for running the plotter

  • pypeec examples for extracting the examples

  • pypeec documentation for extracting the documentation

Input/Output File Description

The following input files (JSON or YAML format) are used:

  • file_geometry: description of the geometry

  • file_problem: description of the magnetic problem

  • file_tolerance: description of the solver numerical options

  • file_viewer: options for the plots generated by the viewer

  • file_plotter: options for the plots generated by the plotter

The following files (JSON or Pickle format) are generated:

  • file_voxel: file with the definition of the voxel structure

  • file_solution: file with the solution of the magnetic problem

Geometry Preparation

The following open-source tools can be used to generate PNG files:

  • Interactive software: GIMP or Inkscape

  • Scripting software: ImageMagick or Pillow

The following open-source tools can be used to generate STL files:

  • Interactive software: FreeCAD or Blender

  • Scripting software: CadQuery or OpenSCAD

  • Mesh tools: MeshLab or MeshFix

The following open-source tools can be used to generate GERBER files:

  • Interactive software: KiCAD

  • Scripting software: gerber-writer

The following open-source tools can be used to visualize 3D VTK files:

  • Fast and minimalist: F3D

  • Flexible and powerful: ParaView